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Showing posts from August, 2020

What stock market is not?

The idea behind this piece is to share thoughts on what stock market is. Well then, I thought why not use the principal of inversion and explain what stock market is not. It is easier to explain what it is not and helps me use the simplicity principle. Let’s dive in: Not a get quick rick scheme : In no way is the stock market a place to get rich quick. If anyone tells you otherwise do yourself a favor and avoid listening to that person. Just hammer it in your mind that if it were so easy everyone would become rich overnight. Think about why the person is sharing the tip with you if it really works & is easy. It takes a lot of patience, courage, knowing yourself and hard work to build wealth. Above all it takes time. It is like watching the seeds you sow grow into a plant and bear fruits. The road is bumpy and time consuming. It will test you every now and then. It is akin to building a house where you have to lay a foundation (investing philosophy), lay brick by brick (addi

Accountability Mirror

    I first came across this concept in the book “ Can’t Hurt me-Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds ” by David Goggins. Who is Mr. Goggins? Get ready to be amazed. Goggins is an American ultra marathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, motivational speaker, author, a retired United States Navy SEAL and former United States Air Force Tactical Air Control Party member. Talking about him or his book would take entire post which is due for some other day. Accountability is taking responsibility of your actions which may lead to success or failure. Accountability mirror is a concept you use to set goals and make sure you follow through to make progress. How does this work? You stand in front of a mirror and blunt out about your current condition. Akin to problem identification or simply areas of life where you want to improve yourself.   One condition here is you say the truth no matter how difficult it is about your situation. Goggins calls it as taking inventory. Ex. 40