We are all biased!! Yes, I said that out loud, we all are. It includes yours truly too because I am no exception. Let’s define what bias means before we delve into different types of biases. Wikipedia defines bias as “disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually in a way that is closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair”. Biases stem from the way our brain is structured to help us. Our brain always tries to keep past experiences in mind, remembers what gives us pain or pleasure, what worked to give us recognition or what led to failure, and tries to make sense of the present and future decisions based on them. So, the brain doesn’t recognize that it could be a bad thing for us. Biases make us irrational in our decisions and choices. Now almost none of us can eliminate biases because its difficult to recognize the bias when you’re actually being biased because your brain tricks you into believing that what you’re doing is the right thing to do. ...
This blog is a reflection of the thoughts and ideas of the author. Sharing them to reach people and giving them a different perspective. Life becomes easy when we understand that no event happens in isolation and seemingly uncorrelated incidents are all connected. Let's connect the dots and make better decisions. This blog also acts like my personal diary